Plural and singular nouns

Plural and singular nouns

Nouns give names of concrete or abstract things in our lives. They have singular and plural forms.
Read the following explanation in the table about singular nouns.

Singular nouns. Indefinite article

Use with singular nouns

Using an and a depends on the pronunciation of the next word. In most cases though, an is used before words that begin with vowels (a, e, i, o u). For example:

    an apple
    an elephant
    an igloo
    an orange
    an umbrella

If a word starts with a consonant sound, use a.

    a ball
    a car
    a doll

Vowel sounds

It is very important to know that when a word starts with a vowel sound, you should use an. Sometimes u is pronounced as y. For example:

       an unforgettable experience - unforgettable has a vowel sound so we use an.
      a university - university has a y sound so we use a.

This is also the case with o, which may sometimes have a w sound. Compare:

      an octopus - octopus starts with a vowel sound.
      a one track mind - one-track starts has a w sound.

Plural of nouns

Read the rules to form the plural of nouns. Click on the icon to listen to the pronunciation.

For the plural form of most nouns, add s.

  bottle   bottles
  cup   cups
  pencil   pencils
  desk   desks
  sticker   stickers
  window   windows

For nouns that end in ch, x, s, or s sounds, add es.

  box   boxes
  watch   watches
  moss   mosses
  bus   buses

For nouns ending in f or fe, change f to v and add es.

  wolf   wolves
  wife   wives
  leaf   leaves
  life   lives

Some nouns have different plural forms. They are irregular nouns.

  child   children
  woman   women
  man   men
  mouse   mice
  goose   geese

Nouns ending in vowels like y or o do not have definite rules.

  baby   babies
  toy   toys
  kidney   kidneys
  potato   potatoes
  memo   memos
  stereo   stereos

A few nouns have the same singular and plural forms.

  sheep   sheep
  deer   deer
  series   series
  species   species

Writing exercice

 Part 1. Look at the words and choose a or an. Part 2. Look at the singular nouns and write the plural.  

Parte 1. Observa las palabras y elige el artículo a / an según corresponda. Parte 2. Observa los sustantivos en singular y escríbelos en plural.

  Part 1

1.  eraser

2.  laptop

3.  classroom

4.  apple

5.  exam

6.  project

7.  chair

8.  desk

  Part 2

1. woman

2. teacher

3. life  

4. sheep

5. window

6. potato